Certificate in Python Programming

by Openlabs

Python is a computer language that is useful for a wide range of tasks and is both adaptable and powerful. Due to the fact that it is concise and easy to understand, it makes an excellent first language to learn. Python has the ability to perform any task you set for it.

Course Enrollment

Program Highlights

  • Course Module : Certificate Programs
  • Fee : $550
  • Duration : 4 months
  • Format : Online
  • Affiliated To :


Python is widely regarded as one of the most popular and fastest-growing programming languages. All of the data available on the internet indicates that it has become the programmers' first choice. It has gained enormous popularity in the software industry as well as academia. And its popularity stems not only from its high demand, but also from the fact that it is simple to learn.

Python is a popular general-purpose programming language. It is used in machine learning, web development, desktop applications, and many other fields. Fortunately for beginners, Python has a simple, easy-to-use syntax. This makes Python a great language to learn for beginners.

The Python cetificate will cover all the fundamental concepts of Python. And by the end, you will be comfortable creating projects in Python.

Program Summary

  • Acquire the pre-requisite Python skills to move into specific branches - Desktop Applications ,Web application Data Science, etc.
  • fundamental understanding of the Python programming language.
  • Automate simple tasks with python.
  • Aquire a vivid understanding of object oriented programming.

Career Opportunities

  • Junior data analyst
  • Junior python developer

Course Content

  • Learn how to write algorithms in pseudocode and flowchart
  • Understand the modular approach in programming
  • Working with the concept of decision making, running loops and calling functions in programming.
  • Use dry run method in testing your algorithm.
  • Learn the basics of python and how to use existing modules to analise data
  • Object Oriented Programming using Python
  • Handle files,exceptions and json files.
  • Working with multithreading , Network Programming
  • CGI programming
  • Build mini web apps with flask
  • Python -sql database connections
  • Data visualisaton
  • Introduction to Image processing
  • Python automation - Web scraping , pdf generation,emailing etc

Eligibility Requirements

  • Candidate having basic knowledge to operate a computer and extensive knowledge in Ms Office particularly excel.